Data Mining

Using data mining and computational tools to discover a new inexpensive phosphor material for white LEDs that is easy to make

A team led by engineers at the University of California San Diego has used data

A global early warning system for infectious diseases

Technologically possible, data-driven, and worthy of our investment In the recent issue of EMBO reports,

Can big databases be kept both anonymous and useful?

FREQUENT visitors to the Hustler Club, a gentlemen’s entertainment venue in New York, could not

The Sensor-Rich, Data-Scooping Future

The technology world is looking at ways to make everything more efficient.  The question is,

Whether that is during flooding, landslide, earthquake or terrorist attack, understanding the complexities of the situation can mean the difference between saving lives and preventing major economic loss.
Data Mining Disaster

Computer technology that can mine data from social media during times of natural or other

Data Mining, Without Big Brother

How can we trust but verify? IN the wake of revelations about the National Security