Gene therapy for common blood disorders?

In a landmark study, scientists have used CRISPR gene editing to introduce beneficial natural mutations into blood

A new tool called CasRx targets RNA to correct a protein imbalance in cells from a dementia patient

Salk scientists create new molecular scissors to correct protein imbalance in cellular model of dementia

DNA scissors can also readily target RNA – a result with potentially far-reaching ramifications

The bacterial immune system “CRISPR-Cas9” is known to eliminate invading DNA. Würzburg scientists now discovered

Deleting a single gene from mosquitoes to combat malaria

Deleting a single gene from mosquitoes can make them highly resistant to the malaria parasite

Could a new CRISPR gene-editing technique correct a majority of the 3,000 mutations that cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Scientists have developed a CRISPR gene-editing technique that can potentially correct a majority of the

CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene editing systems may need to be customized to the patient

Patients’ individual genomes may affect efficacy, safety of gene editing Gene editing has begun to

Scientists modify CRISPR to epigenetically treat diabetes, kidney disease, muscular dystrophy

Approach could also be applied to reversing aging and age-related diseases such as hearing loss

Feeding and fueling the planet with algae via new genome engineering technique

Vast quantities of medicines and renewable fuels could be produced by algae using a new

Using CRISPR to map DNA mutations quickly and inexpensively for diagnosis and treatment

A team of scientists led by Virginia Commonwealth University physicist Jason Reed, Ph.D., have developed

Microbes are the basis for the world’s smallest tape recorder

Through a few clever molecular hacks, researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have converted a

What if you can reprogram the DNA of your liver while you’re still using it?

New delivery system developed by MIT team deletes disease-causing genes and reduces cholesterol. In a

In a world-first, CRISPR/Cas9 is used to change flower color

What’s your story, morning glory? Scientists use CRISPR technology to change flower colour in an

Scientists correct a disease-causing mutation in early stage human embryos with gene editing for the first time

Scientists achieve first safe repair of single-gene mutation in human embryos Scientists have, for the

Genome therapy could eventually lead to a cure for sickle cell anaemia and other blood disorders

A UNSW Sydney-led team of scientists has made an advance that could eventually lead to a cure

Genome engineering system transforms living cells into archival data storage devices

New CRISPR technology takes cells to the movies Researchers use expensive machinery to develop ways