colon cancer

An artificial mole as an early warning system for the four most common types of cancer

ETH researchers working with Martin Fussenegger have developed an early warning system for the four

Complete cure for colorectal cancer?

Novel three-step pretargeted radioimmunotherapy offers safe, effective treatment Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Patch that delivers drug, gene, and light-based therapy to tumor sites shows promising results

In mice, device destroyed colorectal tumors and prevented remission after surgery Approximately one in 20

Researchers block common colon cancer tumor type in mice – clinical trial starts in August

Findings lay groundwork for human clinical trial planned for August 2016 A new scientific study

Treating colon cancer with vitamin A

A leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, colon cancer is famously resistant to treatment. There

Colon cancer researchers target stem cells, discover viable new therapeutic path

“The stem cells were unable to self-renew, which resulted in long-term and irreversible impairment of