chronic wounds

A potential drug-free treatment for chronic wounds using an oxygen-delivering hydrogel
Representative images of the wounds treated with or without gel and oxygen-release microspheres for 16
Chronic wounds in preclinical models healed with normal scar-free skin after treatment with a new acellular product
via Mayo Clinic Chronic wounds in preclinical models healed with normal scar-free skin after treatment
Plasma medicine uses room temperature “cold” plasma to kill bacteria
via Plasma medicine uses room temperature “cold” plasma to kill bacteria As interest in
Smart bandages for chronic wounds designed to monitor and tailor treatment

Bandages with integrated pH and temperature sensors and electronically triggered drug release are designed to

Wound healing sensor bandage for chronic wounds could even allow monitoring at home

A novel bandage alerts the nursing staff as soon as a wound starts healing badly.

Self-Adhesive Dressing Generates Electrical Current That Promotes Healing, Reduces Infection Risk

Good news for the millions of people who suffer from skin wounds that won’t heal.

Smart dressings speed healing of chronic wounds

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology are developing innovative nanofibre meshes that might draw bacteria

Eileen Weinheimer-Haus and Timothy Koh. Click on image to download. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services - See more at:
Vibration may help heal chronic wounds

Wounds may heal more quickly if exposed to low-intensity vibration, report researchers at the University

Discovery of a novel medicine for the treatment of chronic wounds

Every 20 seconds, a limb is lost as a consequence of diabetic foot ulcer that