carbon dioxide to fuel

Paving the way for CO2-reduction technologies that allow industrial-scale production of renewable carbon-based fuels
In the right conditions, silver nanoparticles, represented by the large orange spheres, can absorb visible
A new room-temperature method could significantly reduce carbon dioxide levels in fossil-fuel power plant exhaust
Credit: NIST Illustration of a novel room-temperature process to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) by converting
A stable and inexpensive photocatalyst using earth-abundant materials for the eco-friendly production of methane from CO2
Prof. Su-Il In A stable and inexpensive photocatalyst using earth-abundant materials for the eco-friendly production
Converting carbon dioxide to methane more efficiently at low temperatures
New method converts carbon dioxide to methane at low temperatures Converting carbon dioxide to methane
An artificial leaf turns carbon dioxide into methanol and oxygen . . . efficiently

Scientists have created an “artificial leaf” to fight climate change by inexpensively converting harmful carbon

A different approach to turning carbon dioxide into valuable fuels

Lab’s ‘green’ invention reduces carbon dioxide into valuable fuels A common greenhouse gas could be

Recycling atmospheric carbon dioxide for the production of cleaner hydrocarbon fuels

DGIST researchers are getting closer to developing a material that delivers a one-two punch: recycling

Carbon-neutral synthetic fuels from air conditioning systems – Crowd Oil

Researchers Want to Use Air-conditioning and Ventilation Systems for Decentralized Production of Carbon-neutral Synthetic Fuels

Recycling carbon dioxide into sustainable chemicals and fuels without any wasteful byproducts just became economically viable

Researchers discover copper has potential as a catalyst for turning carbon dioxide into sustainable chemicals

Bismuth could be used as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide (CO2), into liquid fuels and industrial chemicals

UD team’s finding could be ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for Planet Earth The chunk

Turning power plant emissions into fuel

MIT-developed method converts carbon dioxide into useful compounds. MIT researchers have developed a new system

Direct conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) into liquid fuels and chemicals

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have made a significant breakthrough in the direct conversion

Using plentiful manganese to turn carbon dioxide into useful organic chemicals

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is known as a greenhouse gas and plays an essential role in

New molecule harvests sunlight to create useable material from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

IU chemists create molecular ‘leaf’ that collects and stores solar power without solar panels An

Graphene quantum dots can recycle waste carbon dioxide into valuable fuel

Graphene quantum dots may offer a simple way to recycle waste carbon dioxide into valuable