caloric restriction

Living longer by eating less?
The illustration represents the ways in which caloric restriction affects various aspects of cellular function,
What is the effect of fasting on age-related diseases?

There are many indications that fasting promotes longevity. In recent years, much attention has been

A new mechanism of lifespan extension that links caloric restriction with immune system regulation

Joslin researchers show that caloric restriction lowers levels of innate immunity and inflammation, leading to

Fasting or caloric restriction can have anti-aging effects on the vascular system

A molecule produced during fasting or calorie restriction has anti-aging effects on the vascular system,

Is a pill that could stave off aging on the horizon?

Scientists have long known that restricting calories can fend off physiological signs of aging, with

Extending life span with a drug that may mimic caloric restriction – in roundworms

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers find that an FDA-approved drug to treat high blood pressure seems

Discovery: The mechanism behind calorie restriction and lengthened lifespan

Almost a century ago, scientists discovered that cutting calorie intake could dramatically extend lifespan in

Slowed Aging from Dietary Restriction Brings Us One Step Closer to Human Therapeutics

Rogers Lab Makes Key Finding in Cell Process Crucial to Slowed Aging from Dietary Restriction,

Results just in: Monkeys live long and prosper on a calorie restricted diet

Settling a persistent scientific controversy, a long-awaited report shows that restricting calories does indeed help

Aging really is ‘in your head’

Scientists answer hotly debated questions about how calorie restriction delays aging process Among scientists, the