brain-computer interface

Paralyzed Man Able to Feel Again Through a Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm

Imagine being in an accident that leaves you unable to feel any sensation in your

Researcher creates system to control multiple robot drones with the brain

ASU researcher creates system to control robots with the brain A researcher at Arizona State

New device to get people with paralysis back on their feet

Melbourne medical researchers have created a new minimally invasive brain-machine interface, giving people with spinal

New research paves the way to begin developing a computer you can control with your mind

A team of researchers led by Angelika Lingnau, from the Department of Psychology at Royal

Man walks again after years of paralysis

The ability to walk has been restored following a spinal cord injury, using one’s own

A brain-computer interface for controlling an exoskeleton

Scientists working at Korea University, Korea, and TU Berlin, Germany have developed a brain-computer control

Neuroscientists establish brain-to-brain networks in primates, rodents

Neuroscientists at Duke University have introduced a new paradigm for brain-machine interfaces that investigates the

Disabled people pilot a robot remotely with their thoughts

Multi-year research project aims to give a measure of independence to paralyzed people. This technology

Intelligent Neuroprostheses Mimic Natural Motor Control

Neuroscientists are taking inspiration from natural motor control to design new prosthetic devices that can

Research finds that BCI device helps stroke victims communicate

Brain-computer interface (BCI) devices have proven to be effective in helping patients with amyotrophic lateral

DOD pushes development of cheap, portable brain-reading device

Innovation is all about putting on the proverbial thinking cap. Now engineers are vying to

Computer-Brain Interfaces Making Big Leaps

Scientists haven’t yet found a way to mend a broken heart, but they’re edging closer

Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface

Researchers at Brown University have succeeded in creating the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable, long-term brain-computer