
MediSCAPE imaging of fresh human kidney compared to gold standard periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) histology of the same tissue. Center shows large area scanned using MediSCAPE. Panels point to specific features of the kidney that are either normal or represent disease. 488 nm excited autofluorescence is color-coded in a yellow-blue scale.
Replacing conventional biopsies with real-time imaging within the living body
MediSCAPE imaging of fresh human kidney compared to gold standard periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) histology of
Could virtual biopsies replace tissue biopsies in the future?
Image showing individual and combined scans Credit: Evis Sala Could virtual biopsies replace tissue biopsies
Cancer Traps: A non-invasive way to biopsy tissue from cancer-tainted organs

Invasive procedures to biopsy tissue from cancer-tainted organs could be replaced by simply taking samples

A new non-invasive biopsy device means no need for a scalpel

Using sound vibrations and pulses of near-infrared light, a Rutgers University scientist has developed a