biometric identification

You can be identified by your heartbeat – really
via Pixabay You can be identified by your heartbeat – really A study carried out
Finger veins are the latest 3D biometric authentication method and it looks almost foolproof
Researchers developed a new biometric approach that uses 3D images of finger veins. Shown are
Software that can spot false facial expressions

Real and fake smiles can be tricky to tell apart, but researchers at the University

New biometric identifier: User identification through the skull

People use laptops and smartphones to save and organize their entire life – protected only

Low-cost, contactless and accurate 3D fingerprint identification system

Traditional fingerprint identification by pressing or rolling of finger against the hard surface often results

Biometric Security Poses Huge Privacy Risks

Without explicit safeguards, your personal biometric data are destined for a government database Security through biology

Eye-tracking could outshine passwords if made user-friendly

It’s a wonder we still put up with passwords. We forget our highly secretive combinations,