biohybrid robots

Illustration showing the cutting and healing process of the robotic finger (A), its anchoring structure (B) and fabrication process (C). CREDIT Credit: Takeuchi et al.
A controllable robotic finger covered with living skin tissue
Illustration showing the cutting and healing process of the robotic finger (A), its anchoring structure
Robotic systems packed with muscle tissue can produce never-seen-before agility and versatility
via United States Army Research Laboratory Robotic systems packed with muscle tissue can produce never-seen-before
A proof-of-concept for biologically-based soft robotics

A robotic gripping arm that uses engineered bacteria to “taste” for a specific chemical has

Researchers Build a Crawling Robot From Sea Slug Parts and a 3-D Printed Body

Swarms could one day search the depths of fresh and saltwater Researchers at Case Western