Scientists find a “switch” to increase starch accumulation in algae Results from a collaborative study
Our method is both simple and inexpensive and at the same time achieves better results
Cornell University biological engineers have deciphered the cellular strategy to make the biofuel ethanol, using
An almost entirely accidental discovery by University of Guelph researchers could transform food and biofuel
Enzyme discovery leads scientists further down path to pumping oil from plants An enzyme responsible
Today most U.S. biodiesel is produced from soybean. But despite its value as a protein
Combining bacterial genes and virus shell creates a highly efficient, renewable material used in generating
Biofuels pioneer Mascoma LLC and the Department of Energy’s BioEnergy Science Center have developed a
Genetic engineering allows biomass-degrading bacterium to make fuel in a single process The Science The
Clearing grasslands to make way for biofuels may seem counterproductive, but University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers
In one of the first studies to examine the potential for using municipal wastewater as
The efficient production of both biofuel and animal feed from 1 crop is now possible,
Scientists discover variant plants with straw that is more easily digested for biofuel production Critically