
UC San Diego scientists developed a new technology that specifically targets one type of cell among genetically identical bacteria that live in the same microenvironment. They discovered that a second-long shock emitted by an electrode (dark circle in the center), preferentially causes growth of (orange) motile cells, rather than (blue) matrix-producing cells, thereby changing the ratio of cell types in the community. Credit: Süel Lab, UC San Diego
Is electricity a new tool that can destabilize biofilms without creating antibiotic resistance?
UC San Diego scientists developed a new technology that specifically targets one type of cell
Cleaning and killing biofilms with magnetic ‘T-Budbots’ made from tea
via ACS Cleaning and killing biofilms with magnetic ‘T-Budbots’ made from tea Biofilms -- microbial
Fighting deadly staph infections with a new breed of antibiotics

Eradicating deadly staph using a new breed of antibiotics has revealed promising results in research

New microbubble scrubber technology can destroy dangerous biofilms and the microbes living inside

Stiff microbial films often coat medical devices, household items and infrastructure such as the inside

Is it possible to detect and treat oral plaque without drugs?

When the good and bad bacteria in our mouth become imbalanced, the bad bacteria form

Could essential oils help prevent millions of infections every year?

James Cook University scientists have discovered a technique to apply natural plant extracts such as

A new kind of antibacterial surface that prevents infections and reduces our reliance on antibiotics

By some estimates, bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics ­– so-called superbugs – will cause more

Plasma technology can be tapped to kill biofilms on perishable fruit, foods extending shelf life dramatically

Researchers in China report that air plasma can be used to kill biofilms found on

Moving microswimmers with tiny swirling flows using magnetic fields

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to

“Swiss army knife” molecule

Scientists at ETH Zurich and an ETH spin-off have developed a novel polymer for coating

Nanotech weapon against chronic bacterial infections

One of the scourges of hospital infections – biofilms formed by bacteria that stick to

UMD-led study identifies the off switch for biofilm formation

New discovery could help prevent the formation of infectious bacterial films on hospital equipment Bacteria

Scientists at Queen’s University Belfast have made a breakthrough in the fight against the most resistant hospital superbugs.

The team from the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s have developed the first innovative antibacterial

Genetically engineered bacteria can be used to attack other bacterial species

BIOFILMS are a problem in medicine. When bacteria gang up to form the continuous sheets