
A sensor package small enough to ride on the backs of bees has great possibilities

Farmers can already use drones to soar over huge fields and monitor temperature, humidity or

A powerful new medicine in fighting honeybee viruses: Fungus

A mushroom extract fed to honeybees greatly reduces virus levels, according to a new paper

Could sunflower pollen dramatically lower rates of infection in bees by specific pathogens

With bee populations in decline, a new study offers hope for a relatively simple mechanism

The world’s most widely used weed killer may also be indirectly killing bees

The world’s most widely used weed killer may also be indirectly killing bees. New research

Could this scientific breakthrough lead to bee-friendly pesticides?

Efforts to create pesticides that are not toxic to bees have been boosted by a scientific

Fungicides emerge as a villain in bee decline

When a Cornell-led team of scientists analyzed two dozen environmental factors to understand bumblebee population

It’s complicated: Climate change is a major threat to bumble bees

New research from a team of Florida State University scientists and their collaborators is helping

Using an inexpensive acoustic listening system to monitor bees and other insects in the field

According to recent studies, declines in wild and managed bee populations threaten the pollination of

Ten years after the crisis, what is happening to the world’s bees?

Bees have been living with the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder for a decade. Simon Klein,

Near-infrared light therapy counters the harmful effects of pesticides with bees

Treating bees with light therapy can counteract the harmful effects of neonicotinoid pesticides and improve

Deformed Wing Virus spread manmade and emanates from Europe

The spread of a disease that is decimating global bee populations is manmade, and driven

Scientists determine how to control parasite without harming bees

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor (varroa) is generally agreed to be the greatest threat facing

Wild Bee Decline Threatens U.S. Crop Production

Following Obama’s call for pollinator assessment, first-ever national bee map shows much farmland at risk

How DNA and a supercomputer can help sustain honey bee populations

New multi-locus metabarcoding approach for pollen analysis uncovers what plants bee species rely on To

Pesticides alter bees’ brains, making them unable to live and reproduce adequately

New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that the neonicotinoid class of pesticides do not