Bee Disease

Could probiotics help save honey bee colonies from collapse?

Probiotics, beneficial microorganisms best known for promoting gut health in humans, are now being used

Deformed Wing Virus spread manmade and emanates from Europe

The spread of a disease that is decimating global bee populations is manmade, and driven

Wild Bee Decline Threatens U.S. Crop Production

Following Obama’s call for pollinator assessment, first-ever national bee map shows much farmland at risk

Flower-enriched farms boost bee populations

Flower strips sown into farmers’ fields not only attract bees but increase their numbers, new

Discovery Aims to Fight Destructive Bee Disease

University of Guelph researchers hope their new discovery will help combat a disease killing honeybee

Monsanto’s Plan to Help the Honeybee

Monsanto and others look to RNA interference to fight widespread bee-killing mites. Beekeepers are desperately

Sensors in Beehives May Warn of Disease

Sensors in beehives may capture early signs of disease To the human ear, the buzz