artificial heart

A fully functioning artificial human heart muscle large enough to patch over typical heart damage

Beating patch is as strong and electrically active as healthy adult heart Biomedical engineers at

Functioning muscle fibers created as a next step towards an artificial heart

One step ahead towards the artificial heart An artificial heart would be an absolute lifesaver

The first entirely soft artificial heart gets put to the test

ETH researchers from the Functional Materials Laboratory have developed a silicone heart that beats almost

Cotton candy machines may hold key for making artificial organs

Cotton candy machines may hold the key for making life-sized artificial livers, kidneys, bones and

Frakes examines a 3-D print of an optimized, patient-specific artificial heart that was virtually implanted into a pediatric patient. Photo by: Jessica Hochreiter/ASU
ASU engineers help make advances in virtual artificial heart implantation

“3-D heart models and performance of virtual heart implantations are no longer the inventions of

Carmat self-regulating artificial heart implanted in first human subject

The first Carmat bioprosthetic artificial heart to ever be implanted in a human Last Wednesday