artificial cells

Artificially produced cells communicate with each other

Friedrich Simmel und Aurore Dupin, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), have for

Artificial cells and hybrid systems that combine biological cells and man-made components come closer

Proteins in lipid membranes are one of the fundamental building blocks of biological functionality. Lawrence

Breakthrough: The first chemically programmed approach to producing an artificial tissue

A tissue-like material capable of synchronised beating when heated and cooled has been developed by

Artificial cells that can kill bacteria have been created

Lego blockā€ artificial cells that can kill bacteria have been created by researchers at the

Paving the way for networks of artificial cells that act like tissues

Researchers have used lasers to connect, arrange and merge artificial cells, paving the way for

Artificial cells: Fusing living and non-living cells for the first time in a way that allows them to work together

Researchers have fused living and non-living cells for the first time in a way that

Spontaneous Pressure Regulation Within Artificial Cells

Simple human-made cellular analogues both sense and regulate in response to externally created stress. Living