antibiotic resistance in the environment

Plastic mulch used in strawberry cultivation, shown here, is only one example of plastic use in agriculture. Photo by Glysiak via Wikimedia Commons.
Soil introduced drug-resistant superbugs in the food supply from microplastics?
Plastic mulch used in strawberry cultivation, shown here, is only one example of plastic use
The planetary boundaries for antibiotic and pesticide resistance shows several are already crossed

Stratospheric ozone depletion The stratospheric ozone layer in the atmosphere filters out ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the

Researchers show that polluted air can transmit bacteria resistant to our most powerful antibiotics

Polluted city air has now been identified as a possible means of transmission for resistant

Antibiotics: When the drugs don’t work

SOME people describe Darwinian evolution as “only a theory”.  Try explaining that to the friends

Research Shows Wastewater Treatment May be Creating New Antibiotics

For years scientists have been aware of the potential problems of antibiotics being present in

Antibiotic apocalypse

A terrible future could be on the horizon, a future which rips one of the