
Have we found the neural circuit that regulates alcohol consumption?

The UNC School of Medicine lab of Zoe McElligott, PhD, found that alcohol consumption is

Could problem drinking be reduced with just one shot of ketamine?

An incredible new experimental study from University College London has found a specifically timed infusion

A new target to prevent and treat alcoholism

New research conducted at OHSU in Portland, Oregon, identifies a gene that could provide a

A new approach towards the treatment of alcohol use disorder

Activating GPR139 in rats reduced excessive alcohol use and pain of withdrawal Activation of a

Tandospirone could potentially help our brains reboot and reverse the damaging impacts of heavy alcohol consumption

QUT researchers have identified a drug that could potentially help our brains reboot and reverse

New, safe and ready treatment for alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction causes almost 3.8 per cent of deaths worldwide but a study led by

Neuron responsible for alcohol consumption found

Scientists have pinpointed a population of neurons in the brain that influences whether one drink

Revisiting LSD as a Treatment for Alcoholism

Several decades ago, a number of clinics used LSD to treat alcoholism with some success.