3D printed body parts

Another step towards 3-D printed replacement knee parts that are custom-shaped to each patient’s anatomy

Printable hydrogel matches the strength and elasticity of human cartilage A cartilage-mimicking material created by

New Bioink with the Potential to 3D Print Bone and Cartilage

When you first learn about 3D printing, it seems like magic, but when you begin

Scientists prove feasibility of ‘printing’ replacement tissue

Using a sophisticated, custom-designed 3D printer, regenerative medicine scientists at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Researchers create transplantation model for 3-D printed constructs

Using sugar, silicone and a 3-D printer, a team of bioengineers at Rice University and

3-D printed building blocks of life

Scientists have developed a 3-D printing method capable of producing highly uniform ‘blocks’ of embryonic

Researchers hack off-the-shelf 3-D printer for 3-D bioprinting

Models of hearts, arteries, bones and brains are 3-D printed out of biological materials As

Cancer patient receives 3D printed ribs in world-first surgery

Spanish cancer patient has received a 3D printed titanium sternum and rib cage designed and