3D Display

A smart skin inspired by the cephalopod which can be used in 3D displays and as interfaces for the visually impaired

It is safe to say that 3D displays do not necessarily occur in nature –

Portable, low-cost 3D displays for mobile need no glasses

Technology will benefit display companies in manufacturing low cost and light weight 2D/3D convertible displays

3-D full-color holographic images with nanomaterials for 3D floating displays and more

Researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology are creating a new approach to reconstruct

New movie screen allows for glasses-free 3-D at a larger scale

Prototype display enables viewers to watch a 3-D movie from any seat in a theater.

Thin 3D Display for Comfortable Smart Phone Viewing

Using a technique called super multi-view, Chinese researchers have developed a thin display that creates

Queen’s University professor to unveil self-levitating displays, allowing physical interactions with mid-air virtual reality objects

An interactive swarm of flying 3D pixels (voxels) developed at Queen’s University’s Human Media Lab

Science Fiction turns Science Fact – 3D Displays Without Glasses

TU Wien (Vienna) and TriLite Technologies present a new prototype for a 3D display which

Huge 3D Displays without 3D Glasses

A new invention opens the door to a new generation of outdoor displays. Different pictures

New Singapore plastic film is the future of 3D on-the-go

  Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and A*A*STAR’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering’s (IMRE) new nano-engineered

Television Begins a Push Into the 3rd Dimension

Ralph Kramden can finally buy a television. It was more than half a century ago,