
A. James Clark School of Engineering Aalborg University Aalto University Aarhus University Aarhus University Hospital Aberystwyth University Acoustical Society of America Addenbrooke's Hospital Adolfo Ibáñez University Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Agency for Science Technology and Research Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic AgResearch Agricultural Research Service Air Force Medical University Air Force Research Laboratory Aix-Marseille University Ajou University Akita University Al Jouf University Al-Muthanna University Alan Turing Institute Albany Medical College Albert Einstein College of Medicine Alexandria University Alfred University Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research American Chemical Society American Geophysical Union American Phytopathological Society American Psychological Association American University of Paris Ames Laboratory Ames Research Center AMOLF Anglia Ruskin University Applied Physics Laboratory ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology Ardhi University Argonne National Laboratory Arizona State University Army Medical University ARPA–E Arthritis Research UK Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences Aston University Auburn University Augusta University Austral University of Chile Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering Australian Institute of Marine Science Australian National University Australian Synchrotron Austrian Academy of Sciences Autonomous University of Barcelona Autonomous University of Madrid Babraham Institute Bahir-Dar University Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Bangor University Bar-Ilan University Barcelona Institute for Global Health Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Bavarian Laser Center Baylor College of Medicine Baylor University BBC Research & Development Beihang University Beijing Forestry University Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing Normal University Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Bell Labs Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Bielefeld University Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Binghamton University Biola University Bioversity International Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research Bogazici University Boise State University Bond University Boston Children’s Hospital Boston College Boston Medical Center Boston University Boston University School of Medicine Bournemouth University Boyce Thompson Institute Brandeis University Brandon University Brigham and Women’s Hospital Brigham Young University British Antarctic Survey Broad Institute Brock University Brookhaven National Laboratory Brown University Brunel University London Bryn Mawr College Buck Institute for Research on Aging Bucknell University California Academy of Sciences California Institute of Technology Canadian Light Source Cancer Research UK Cardiff University Carey Business School Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute Carnegie Institution for Science Carnegie Mellon College of Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Case Western Reserve University Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies Catholic University of America Catholic University of Korea Catholic University of Leuven CEA-Leti Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Centenary Institute Center for Genomic Regulation Center for Research and Advanced Studies Central China Normal University Central European University Central South University Central University of Jharkhand Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Centre for Genomic Regulation Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica CEU Cardinal Herrera University Chalmers University of Technology Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics ChangChun University of Science and Technology Chapman University Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Charles III University of Madrid Charles River Laboratories Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Charles University Chemnitz University of Technology Chiba University Children's Hospital Los Angeles Children’s Cancer Institute Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences Chinese University of Hong Kong Chonbuk National University Chongqing University Chonnam National University Christian Medical College & Hospital Chulalongkorn University Chung-Ang University Chungbuk National University Chungnam National University Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Cente CIRAD City College of New York City University of Hong Kong City University of New York Clarkson University Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 Clemson University Clermont Auvergne University Cleveland Clinic Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory College of Charleston Cologne University of Applied Sciences Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Columbia Climate School Columbia Engineering Columbia University Columbia University Irving Medical Center Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Complutense University of Madrid Concordia University Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences CORDIS Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science Cornell University Cornell University College of Engineering Côte d'Azur University Coventry University Cranfield University CSAIL Culham Centre for Fusion Energy CUNY Graduate Center Curie Institute Curtin University Czech Academy of Sciences Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology Dalhousie University Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Dalian Maritime University Dalian University of Technology Dana-Farber Cancer Institute DARPA Dartmouth College Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Deakin University Deep Carbon Observatory Delft University of Technology Democritus University of Thrace Derzhavin Tambov State University Desert Research Center Desert Research Institute DESY Disney Research Doherty Institute Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Donghua University Drexel University Duke School of Medicine Duke University Duke University Pratt School of Engineering Duke University School of Medicine Duke-NUS Medical School Durham University D’Or Institute for Research and Education Earlham Institute Earthwatch Institute East Carolina University East China Normal University East China University of Science and Technology École nationale supérieure de chimie de Montpellier Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Edith Cowan University Ehime University Eindhoven University Eindhoven University of Technology Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Elon University Emory University Endocrine Society energy transition Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Defense Fund Erasmus University Rotterdam ETH Zurich European Space Agency European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Ewha Womans University Federal University of Ceará Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Federal University of São Carlos Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Fermilab Finnish Meteorological Institute First Moscow State Medical University Flanders Institute of Biotechnology Flatiron Institute Flinders University Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health Florida Atlantic University Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University Florida Museum of Natural History Florida State University Forest Products Laboratory Fort Valley State University Francis Crick Institute Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Fraunhofer Society Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Free University of Berlin French Institute of Health and Medical Research Friedrich Loeffler Institute Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Friedrich Schiller University Jena Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Fudan University Fuzhou University Gachon University Gadjah Mada University Garvan Institute of Medical Research GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgetown University Medical Center Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University German Aerospace Center German Cancer Research Center German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research German Electron Synchrotron German Primate Center German University in Cairo Ghent University Gifu University Gladstone Institutes Goethe University Frankfurt Graphene Flagship Graz University of Technology Great Ormond Street Hospital Green Bank Observatory Grenoble Institute of Technology Griffith University Guangxi Medical University Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry Guangzhou University Guilford College Guizhou University Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Gyeongsang National University Hamburg University of Technology Hannover Medical School Hanyang University Harbin Institute of Technology Harbor–UCLA Medical Center Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard Medical School Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard University Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hefei Institutes of Physical Science Heidelberg University Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Helmholtz Zentrum München Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Helmut Schmidt University Helsinki Institute for Information Technology Henry Ford Health System Heriot-Watt University Hewlett Packard Labs Hiroshima University Hokkaido University Honda Research Institute Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Houston Methodist Hospital Howard Hughes Medical Institute Huazhong University of Science and Technology Hubei University Hudson Institute of Medical Research Hull York Medical School Humboldt State University Humboldt University of Berlin Hunan University IBM Research Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Idaho National Laboratory IIT Kanpur Illinois Institute of Technology IMDEA Networks Institute Imperial College London IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca Incheon National University Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Indian Institute of Science Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indiana University Indiana University School of Medicine Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis Innovation Center of NanoMedicine Institut national de la recherche scientifique Institut Pasteur Korea Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Institute for Basic Science Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Institute for Research in Biomedicine Institute of Cancer Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Photonic Sciences Institute of Science and Technology Austria Institute of Technology Sligo Instituto Butantan Instituto Butantan Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Intermountain Medical Center International Center for Tropical Agriculture International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Society for Infectious Diseases Ioffe Institute Iowa State University Islamic Azad University Italian Institute of Technology ITMO University Jacobs School of Engineering Jagiellonian University James Cook University James Hutton Institute Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Ústí nad Labem Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Jazan University Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jiangnan University Jiangxi Normal University Jimei University Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Johannes Kepler University Linz John Innes Centre Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Joint BioEnergy Institute Joint Genome Institute Joslin Diabetes Center Juntendo University Jülich Research Centre Kanazawa University Kansai University Kansas State University Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlstad University Karolinska Institutet Kaunas University of Technology Keck Graduate Institute Keck School of Medicine Keio University Keio University School of Medicine Kessler Foundation King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology King Abdulaziz University King Abdullah University of Science and Technology King’s College London Kobe University Koç University Kochi University Kookmin University Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Korea Institute of Science and Technology Korea Maritime and Ocean University Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Korea University Korea University of Science and Technology KTH The Royal Institute of Technology Kuban State Medical University Kyoto University Kyung Hee University Kyushu University La Jolla Institute La Rochelle Université La Trobe University lab-grown insect meat Lancaster University Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology Lausanne University Hospital Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Leeds Beckett University Lehigh University Leibniz Association Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie Leiden University Leiden University Medical Center Leipzig University Leipzig University of Applied Sciences Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Liaocheng University Linköping University Linnaeus University Linus Pauling Institute Lithuanian Institute of Biotechnology Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Liverpool Hope University Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Ljubljana University Medical Centre London School of Economics London South Bank University Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute Loughborough University Louisiana State University Louisiana Tech University Loyola University Chicago Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ludwig Cancer Research Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Luleå University of Technology Lund University Lurie Children's Hospital Maastricht University Macquarie University Mahidol University Manchester Metropolitan University Manhattanville College Marien Ngouabi University Marine Biological Laboratory Marmara University Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg Masaryk University Masdar Institute of Science and Technology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Max Planck Institute for Human Development Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Max Planck Institute for Medical Research Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology Max Planck Institute for Ornithology Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Max Planck Society Maynooth University Mayo Clinic McGill University McGill University Health Centre McGovern Institute for Brain Research McKelvey School of Engineering McLean Hospital McMaster University MDI Biological Laboratory Medical College of Georgia Medical Research Council Medical University of Lublin Medical University of South Carolina Medical University of Vienna Medical University of Warsaw Meiji University Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Metropolitan Autonomous University Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Microsoft Research Military University of Technology in Warsaw Minjiang University Mississippi State University Missouri University of Science and Technology MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT Lincoln Laboratory MIT Media Lab Monash University Montana State University Montana Technological University Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Morgridge Institute for Research Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Moscow State University Mote Marine Laboratory Mount Auburn Hospital Murdoch Children's Research Institute Nagoya City University Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya University Nanjing Medical University Nanjing University Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nankai University Nanyang Technological University Nara Institute of Science and Technology NASA National Atomic Energy Commission National Autonomous University of Mexico National Center for Atmospheric Research National Center for Nanoscience and Technology National Central University National Centre for Infectious Diseases National Cheng Kung University National Chiao Tung University National Chung Cheng University National Energy Technology Laboratory National Institute for Materials Science National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) National Institute of Agronomic Research National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Institute of Information and Communications Technology National Institute of Natural Sciences National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institute on Aging National Institutes for Quantum Sciences and Technology National Institutes of Health National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom) National Physical Laboratory of India National Radio Astronomy Observatory National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Research Council of Canada National Taiwan University National Technical University of Athens National Tsing Hua University National University of Ireland Galway National University of La Plata National University of Malaysia National University of Samoa National University of Science and Technology MISiS National University of Singapore National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University National Zoological Park Natural History Museum London Naval Research Laboratory Naval Surface Warfare Center Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Netherlands Institute for Space Research Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Neuroscience Research Australia New Jersey Institute of Technology New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico State University New York University New York University Abu Dhabi New York University College of Dentistry New York University School of Medicine New York University Tandon School of Engineering Newcastle University Niels Bohr Institute Nihon University noninvasive medicines North Carolina State University Northeast Normal University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northumbria University Northwest A&F University Northwestern Polytechnical University Northwestern University Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Norwegian Institute for Water Research Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Norwegian Research Centre Norwegian University of Life Sciences Norwegian University of Science and Technology Nottingham Trent University NOVA University Lisbon NYU Langone Medical Center NYU Tandon School of Engineering Oak Ridge National Laboratory Ocean University of China octopus farming Office of Naval Research Ohio State University Okayama University Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Oklahoma State University Old Dominion University Open University Open University of Catalonia Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Oregon Health & Science University Oregon State University Oregon State University College of Engineering Osaka City University Osaka Metropolitan University Osaka University Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Oxford Brookes University Pacific Lutheran University Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Paderborn University Palo Alto University Paris Descartes University Paris Diderot University Paris Sciences et Lettres University Paris-Sorbonne University ParisTech Paul Sabatier University Paul Scherrer Institute Peking Union Medical College Peking University Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Penn State University College of Medicine Pennsylvania State University Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Picower Institute for Learning and Memory Pirbright Institute Planetary Science Institute Plymouth Marine Laboratory Pohang University of Science and Technology Polytechnic University of Catalonia Polytechnic University of Milan Polytechnic University of Turin Polytechnic University of Valencia Polytechnique Montréal Pompeu Fabra University Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Portland State University Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Prince of Songkla University Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Princeton University Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago PSL Research University Public University of Navarre pulsed radiofrequency Purdue University Pusan National University Qatar Computing Research Institute QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology QingDao University of Science and Technology Qingdao University of Technology Quadram Institute Queen Mary University of London Queen's University Belfast Queensland University of Technology Queen’s University QuTech Radboud University Medical Center Radboud University Nijmegen Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine Reichman University Renmin University of China Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Research Institute of Sweden Rhode Island School of Design Rhodes University Rice University RIKEN Ritsumeikan University Robert Koch Institute Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Rochester Institute of Technology Rocky Mountain National Laboratories Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Institute Rovira i Virgili University Rowan University Royal Adelaide Hospital Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Royal College of Art Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Royal Melbourne Hospital Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Ruhr University Bochum Rush University Russian Academy of Sciences Rutgers University Rutherford Appleton Laboratory RWTH Aachen University Ryerson University Saarland University Sainsbury Laboratory Saint Louis University Salk Institute for Biological Studies San Diego State University San Francisco State University Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Labs Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Sankara Eye Hospital Santa Clara University Santa Fe Institute Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies Sapienza University of Rome Saratov Chernyshevsky State University Science and Technology Facilities Council Scripps Institution of Oceanography Seikei University Sejong University Semmelweis University Seoul National University Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology SETI Institute Shaanxi Normal University Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University Shandong University Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Ocean University Shanghai Polytechnic University Shanghai University ShanghaiTech University Sheffield Hallam University Shenzhen University Shibaura Institute of Technology Shinshu University Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Shizuoka University Simon Fraser University Singapore University of Technology and Design SINTEF Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute SOAS University of London Sogang University Soochow University Soongsil University South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute South China Normal University South China University of Technology South Colombian University South Dakota State University Southeast University Southeastern Louisiana University Southern Cross University Southern Illinois University Carbondale Southern Methodist University Southern University of Science and Technology Spanish National Research Council Sri Aurobindo Medical College St Bartholomew's Hospital St Vincent's Hospital St. Jude Children's Research Hospital St. Lawrence College Stanford School of Engineering Stanford University Stanford University School of Medicine Statens Serum Institut Stellenbosch University Stevens Institute of Technology Stockholm University Stony Brook University Sun Yat-Sen University Sungkyungkwan University Sungkyunkwan University Swansea University Swanson School of Engineering Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swinburne University of Technology Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology Sydney Institute of Marine Science Syracuse University Taibah University Taiyuan Normal University Tallinn University of Technology Tamagawa University Tampere University Tan Tock Seng Hospital Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Tarleton State University Tata Institute for Genetics and Society Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Teagasc Technical University of Berlin Technical University of Braunschweig Technical University of Darmstadt Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Dortmund Technical University of Madrid Technical University of Munich Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Technological University Dublin Tecnalia Tel Aviv University Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Temple University Temple University School of Medicine Texas A&M University Texas Heart Institute Texas Tech University Thayer School of Engineering The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development The Institute for Basic Science The Lundquist Institute The Nature Conservancy The Optical Society The Planetary Society The Rockefeller University The Scripps Research Institute Thomas Jefferson University Tianjin University Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tohoku Fukushi University Tohoku Gakuin University Tohoku University Tokai University Tokyo Denki University Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo University of Science Tomsk Polytechnic University Tongji University Toulouse School of Economics Toyota Research Institute Trakia University Translational Genomics Research Institute Trinity College Dublin Tsinghua University Tsinghua–UC Berkeley Shenzhen Institute TU Dresden Tufts University Tufts University School of Engineering Tulane University Tulane University School of Medicine Tyndall National Institute UC Berkeley College of Engineering UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology UK Space Agency Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Umea University UNC Health Care Union College United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University United States Army Research Laboratory United States Department of Veterans Affairs United States Geological Survey United States Naval Academy Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Universidade do Vale do Paraíba Università della Svizzera italiana Université de Montréal Université de Sherbrooke Université de Sherbrooke Université Grenoble Alpes Université Laval Universiti Teknologi MARA Universities Space Research Association University at Albany University at Buffalo University College Cork University College Dublin University College London University Health Network University Hospital Bonn University Hospital Heidelberg University Hospital of Zürich University Medical Center Utrecht University of Aberdeen University of Adelaide University of Agder University of Akron University of Alabama Birmingham University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Alberta University of Amsterdam University of Antananarivo University of Antioquia University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences University of Auckland University of Augsburg University of Aveiro University of Barcelona University of Barcelona University of Basel University of Bath University of Bayreuth University of Bergen University of Bern University of Birmingham University of Bologna University of Bonn University of Bordeaux University of Borås University of Bradford University of Brasília University of Bremen University of Bristol University of British Columbia University of Burgundy University of Cadiz University of Cagliari University of Calabria University of Calgary University of California Berkeley University of California Davis University of California Irvine University of California Los Angeles University of California Merced University of California Riverside University of California San Diego University of California San Diego School of Medicine University of California San Francisco University of California Santa Barbara University of California Santa Cruz University of Cambridge University of Campinas University of Canberra University of Canterbury University of Cape Town University of Cartagena University of Central Florida University of Chemistry and Technology Prague University of Chicago University of Chicago Medical Center University of Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Cincinnati University of Coimbra University of Cologne University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Denver University of Concepción University of Connecticut University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Córdoba (UCO) University of Costa Rica University of Delaware University of Denver University of Dhaka University of Duisburg-Essen University of Dundee University of Düsseldorf University of East Anglia University of Eastern Finland University of Edinburgh University of Electronic Science and Technology of China University of Essex University of Exeter University of Exeter Medical School University of Ferrara University of Florence University of Florida University of Freiburg University of Fribourg University of Gdansk University of Geneva University of Genoa University of Georgia University of Giessen University of Glasgow University of Gothenburg University of Gottingen University of Granada University of Greenwich University of Greifswald University of Groningen University of Guelph University of Hagen University of Haifa University of Hamburg University of Hanover University of Hawaii University of Helsinki University of Hertfordshire University of Hong Kong University of Houston University of Huddersfield University of Hull University of Idaho University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago College of Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois College of Agriculture Consumer and Environmental Sciences University of Illinois College of Engineering University of Illinois College of Medicine University of Innsbruck University of Insubria University of Iowa University of Jinan University of Jyväskylä University of Kaiserslautern University of Kansas University of Kassel University of Kent University of Kentucky University of Kiel University of Koblenz-Landau University of Konstanz University of KwaZulu-Natal University of L'Aquila University of La Laguna University of Lausanne University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Leoben University of Lethbridge University of Liege University of Lille University of Limerick University of Lincoln University of Liverpool University of Ljubljana University of London University of Lorraine University of Los Andes University of Louisiana at Lafayette University of Louisville University of Louisville School of Medicine University of Louvain University of Luxembourg University of Maine University of Malaya University of Manchester University of Manitoba University of Marburg University of Maryland Baltimore County University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Maryland College Park University of Maryland School of Medicine University of Massachusetts University of Massachusetts at Lowell University of Massachusetts Medical School University of Mauritius University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey University of Melbourne University of Messina University of Miami University of Miami Miller School of Medicine University of Michigan University of Milano-Bicocca University of Minnesota University of Minnesota Medical School University of Missouri University of Mons University of Monterrey University of Montpellier University of Murcia University of Münster University of Nantes University of Nebraska Medical Center University of Nebraska Omaha University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nevada Reno University of New Brunswick University of New Hampshire University of New Mexico University of New South Wales University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina School of Medicine University of North Texas University of Notre Dame University of Nottingham University of Oklahoma University of Oldenburg University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Oregon University of Orléans University of Oslo University of Otago University of Ottawa University of Oulu University of Oviedo University of Oxford University of Padova University of Padua University of Palermo University of Paris-Sud University of Patras University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine University of Pisa University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine University of Plymouth University of Porto University of Portsmouth University of Puerto Rico University of Queensland University of Reading University of Regensburg University of Rennes University of Rhode Island University of Rochester University of Rochester Medical Center University of Rome Tor Vergata University of Rostock University of Ruhuna University of Salamanca University of Salento University of Salerno University of Salford University of San Diego University of São Paulo University of Saskatchewan University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology of China University of Seoul University of Seville University of Shanghai for Science and Technology University of Sheffield University of Siena University of South Alabama University of South Australia University of South Carolina University of South Florida University of Southampton University of Southern California University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering University of Southern Denmark University of Southern Florida University of Southern Queensland University of St Andrews University of Stavanger University of Stirling University of Strathclyde University of Stuttgart University of Surrey University of Sussex University of Sydney University of Talca University of Tasmania University of Technology Sydney University of Tennessee University of Tennessee Health Science Center University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas at El Paso University of Texas at San Antonio University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas Medical Branch University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of the Basque Country University of the Sunshine Coast University of the West of England University of the West of Scotland University of the Witwatersrand University of Tokyo University of Toledo University of Toronto University of Toulouse University of Toyama University of Trento University of Tromsø University of Tsukuba University of Turku University of Twente University of Tübingen University of Uberlandia University of Udine University of Ulm University of Ulster University of Utah University of Valle University of Vermont University of Vermont Medical Center University of Verona University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna University of Victoria University of Vienna University of Virginia University of Virginia School of Engineering University of Virginia School of Medicine University of Waikato University of Warsaw University of Warwick University of Washington University of Washington School of Medicine University of Waterloo University of Western Australia University of Western Ontario University of Westminster University of Winchester University of Windsor University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee University of Wollongong University of Wroclaw University of Wyoming University of Würzburg University of Yaoundé University of York University of Zagreb University of Zaragoza University of Zilina University of Zurich University West Uppsala University Ural Federal University Utah State University Utrecht University Uva Wellassa University UZ Leuven Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr Van Andel Institute Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Medical Center Vermont Law School Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Victoria University of Wellington Vienna University of Technology Villanova University Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine Virginia Institute of Marine Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VU University Amsterdam Wageningen University and Research Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Wake Forest University Wake Forest University School of Medicine Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Waseda University Washington and Lee University Washington State University Washington University in St. Louis Washington University School of Medicine Weill Cornell Medical College Weill Cornell Medicine Weizmann Institute of Science Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Wellesley College Wenzhou Medical University West Virginia University Western Michigan University Western Sydney University Westlake University Whitehead Institute Whiting School of Engineering Wildlife Conservation Society Wills Eye Hospital Wistar Institute Wonkwang University Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woodwell Climate Research Center Worcester Polytechnic Institute World Resources Institute Wuhan University Wuhan University of Science and Technology Wuhan University of Technology Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Xiamen University Xian Jiaotong University Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science Yale School of Medicine Yale School of Public Health Yale School of the Environment Yale University Yale-NUS College Yamagata University Yamaguchi University Yokohama National University Yonsei University York University Yunnan Normal University Yunnan University Zamorano Zayed University Zhejiang University Zhejiang University of Technology Zhengzhou University Zhongyuan University of Technology Zoological Society of London Örebro University
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Commercial octopus farming, currently in developmental stages on multiple continents, would have a negative ripple

Sapienza University of Rome
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