Faces of Discovery

Material sciences innovation brings us closer to ‘anywhere computing’

When Gary Patton pulls a thin, round wafer-like sheet from his coat pocket, he makes

Discovery Could Yield Treatments for Cocaine Addicts

Scientists have discovered a molecular process in the brain triggered by cocaine use that could

Anti-ageing drug breakthrough

Drugs that combat ageing may be available within five years, following landmark work led by

Biobatteries catch their breath

An air-breathing bio-battery has been constructed by researchers from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of

Pour, Shake and Stir

A diagnostic ‘cocktail,’ containing a single drop of blood, a dribble of water and a

New Silicone Rubber

It’s a bit like memory foam, but with strength and bounce-ability. If anything bothers University of

Uchek app tests urine for medical issues

A smartphone app that uses a phone’s camera to analyse urine and check for a

SpaceTop 3D see-through computer revealed

A transparent computer that allows users to reach inside and touch digital content has been

With robots, humans face ‘new society’

As for the possibility that one day robots will turn on us – Kragic is

This Biotechnology Company Run By High Schoolers Is Developing A “Flying Syringe”

Provita, a company staffed entirely by kids under 18, is working on a project (with